As you will recall at SAR’s 2018 Spring Conference, Immediate Past Governor Amy Harman presented a “Request for Authorization” to the Voting Delegates pertaining to the Region losing its tax-exempt status with the IRS many years ago, thus causing the Region to be outside of the “tax-exempt” umbrella of Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc. (SIA).
A motion was presented and passed by the attending conference delegates, which would permit the Region Board of Directors to work with SIA’s Leadership Team to go forth and re-organize the South Atlantic Region, which would also result in renaming the Region.
At this time, we would like to share the following information with you.
- Effective February 1, 2019, The Region’s name, Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc. South Atlantic Region, will no longer exist
- Also, Effective February 1, 2019, the Region’s new name will be, “Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc. Central East Coast Region”
- While the re-organization of the Region, and the new name change does not affect the tax-exempt status of the individual clubs within the Region, nor does it mean the realignment of any geographic territories; the Region remains defined as it currently is; each club must review their club bylaws and procedures and remove any reference to the name, “South Atlantic Region”, and replace it with the name, “Central East Coast Region”
- If assistance is needed, please feel free to contact me or the Region’s Bylaws and Resolution Chair, Louise Skinner
- Also review your club’s social media networks and your club websites and do the same
- Robin Davis, our Region’s Public Relations Chair will work to realign the Region’s current website and social media networks and make necessary changes
- While the re-organization of the Region, and the new name change does not affect the tax-exempt status of the individual clubs within the Region, nor does it mean the realignment of any geographic territories; the Region remains defined as it currently is; each club must review their club bylaws and procedures and remove any reference to the name, “South Atlantic Region”, and replace it with the name, “Central East Coast Region”
- Governor-Elect, Connie Morris and Governor, Deborah Mackes
are working to have the Region’s 2019 Spring Conference in Annapolis, MD operate under the Region’s new name, “Central East Coast Region”- Thus, this conference will be the “First” Spring Conference of SIA’s “Central East Coast Region”
The 2018-2020 “Central East Coast Region” Board of Directors looks forward to changing times and the opportunity to work with each of you and all members of the new Region.
It’s a Journey; Let Us Explore, Discover, and Live Our Dreams Together